Population Health

Empowering Independent Clinics to Deliver Exceptional Care.

CareTracker Population Health

Maximizing Practice Potential: The Impact of Population Health Management

Population health management extends beyond hospitals, benefiting practices of all sizes. It enhances patient outcomes, compliance, and practice efficiency. Our Population Health solutions provides robust tools for data aggregation, analysis, and patient engagement metrics, ensuring proactive care delivery and financial growth. Designed to work across platforms, you can use our Population Health in any office combination of specialties or EMRs.

Our population health solution features three main modules

Clinical Quality Measures - Population Health

Clinical Quality Measures

A comprehensive view of patient care, enabling you to track and assess your services against MIPS, MVP, CQM, and GPRO standards. Benefit financially in the long run when your practice achieves the ability to receive payment adjustments.

Patient Care Gaps - Population Health

Patient Care Gaps

Get total patient population view of health care gaps so your patients won't miss important procedures for preventative, critical, or chronic health issues. It can also be used to identify patients with preventative and critical care needs.

Chronic Care Management - Population Health

Chronic Care Management

By using incentives to improve levels of care, manage your population of patients for the Medicare CCM program. Enroll and track care interactions including non-face-to-face billable encounters.

Population Health CQM

Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs)

The CQM module in CareTracker Population Health empowers clinics to monitor and enhance care quality by providing real-time insights into key clinical quality measures. It aids in identifying areas for improvement and tracking progress over time. Aligning care delivery with quality benchmarks improves patient outcomes, meets regulatory requirements, and optimizes reimbursement opportunities. Additionally, our MIPS Success packages provide assistance, tracking, and recommendations to maximize MIPS Scores. Optimize Clinical Outcomes and Compliance with CareTracker popHealth.

Key Features:

  • A colour-coded dashboard easily shows the progress of each measure that is being tracked.
  • QRDA 1 and QRDA Cat 3 reports can be run on demand, and exported into a variety of formats.
  • Customize the module to only show the measures that your practice wants to track.
  • The module also has direct submission to CMS for attestation.

Patient Care Gaps

The CareTracker Patient Care Gaps Module identifies and addresses care gaps by analyzing patient data, such as missed screenings and overdue vaccinations. Customizable alerts enable proactive outreach and appointment scheduling to ensure comprehensive care. Data analysis tools facilitate improvement in care delivery, practice efficiency, and financial optimization. Close the Care Gaps and Enhance Patient Engagement with CareTracker popHealth.

Key Features:

  • Set up personalized alerts and reminders for your team to follow up with patients.
  • Analyze patient records to pinpoint care gaps, from preventive screenings to chronic disease management.
Population Health Patient Care Gaps
Population Health CCM

Chronic Care Management

The CareTracker CCM Module facilitates continuous, coordinated care for patients with chronic conditions. It enables tracking of patient health, personalized care planning, and patient engagement through self-management tools. Outsourcing preventative care programs like Chronic Care Management (CCM), Behavioral Health Integration (BHI), and Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) provides your practice with a comprehensive set of care services. These CMS validated programs cut costs, boost patient engagement and outcomes, and enhance practice revenue without upfront costs.

Key Features:

  • Develop and implement personalized care plans based on each patient’s unique health profile and needs.
  • Track patient health status and progress over time, ensuring timely adjustments to care plans.
  • Monthly patient interaction promotes better patient engagement and allows patients to be more proactive in their own healthcare.

Clinical Quality Measures

The CQM module in CareTracker Population Health empowers clinics to monitor and enhance care quality by providing real-time insights into key clinical quality measures. It aids in identifying areas for improvement and tracking progress over time. Aligning care delivery with quality benchmarks improves patient outcomes, meets regulatory requirements, and optimizes reimbursement opportunities. Affordable and user-friendly, clinics can leverage MIPS Success packages for additional assistance, tracking, and recommendations to maximize MIPS Scores.

CQM Population Health

Key Benefits

  • Enhanced Preventative Care
Encouraged by CMS, our system helps clinics enhance patient safety and cut down on unnecessary treatments. This shift towards valuing quality over quantity aims to make healthcare more affordable and encourages patients to be more engaged and proactive about their health.
  • Improved Care Delivery

CMS motivates clinics to raise the standard of care, focusing on patient centered services. This includes fostering teamwork among healthcare providers, enhancing coordination of care, and prioritizing the health of the population as a whole.

  • Elevate Clinic Reputation

Stand out among other healthcare providers by delivering superior care, leading to better patient outcomes and higher satisfaction rates.

  • Improved Care Delivery

Clinics that meet certain quality standards can see financial gains through CMS’s payment adjustments. This not only rewards quality care but also supports the clinic’s financial health over time.

Close the Care Gaps and Enhance Patient Engagement

The CareTracker Patient Care Gaps Module identifies and addresses care gaps by analyzing patient data, such as missed screenings and overdue vaccinations. Customizable alerts enable proactive outreach and appointment scheduling to ensure comprehensive care. Data analysis tools facilitate improvement in care delivery, practice efficiency, and financial optimization. Population health monitoring enhances patient health, clinic performance, finances, and patient loyalty.

Key Benefits

  • Operational Efficiency

By streamlining the care process, clinics see more patients quickly and effectively, leading to early interventions and better care management. Improve patient satisfaction and boost practice revenue through increased patient throughput and early treatment.

  • Enhanced Patient Engagement

Encouraging patients to take an active role in their healthcare leads to fewer office visits, reduced healthcare costs, and better overall health outcomes. Engaged patients are more likely to follow through with treatment plans, leading to improved health.

  • Improved Population Health

Ensuring every patient has an annual check-up with their primary care provider helps to identify and address health issues early on, closing care gaps. This not only improves the health of the community but also provides a steady revenue stream to the clinic.

  • Faster Reimbursements

A digital platform simplifies the collection and sharing of quality data, streamlining communication with reimbursement agencies like CMS and insurance companies.

care gap analysis

Streamline Care Management of Chronic Conditions

The CareTracker CCM Module facilitates continuous, coordinated care for patients with chronic conditions. It enables tracking of patient health, personalized care planning, and patient engagement through self-management tools. Outsourcing preventative care programs like CCM, BHI, and RPM offers comprehensive care services, reducing provider burdens. These CMS validated programs cut costs, boost patient engagement and outcomes, and enhance practice revenue without upfront costs.

CCM Population Health

Key Benefits

  • Enhanced Patient Outcomes
Improved care coordination in Chronic Care Management services leads to better health results, aligning with the goals of healthcare practices.
  • Reimbursements

Practices get CMS reimbursements for at least 20 minutes of CCM services provided per patient per month, ensuring consistent financial support.

  • Compliance & Reporting

A digital platform to collect and share quality metrics improves compliance and simplifies the process of reporting to reimbursement agencies like CMS and insurance companies.

  • Reduced Emergency Care

Effective management of chronic conditions leads to fewer emergency room visits and hospital admissions, resulting in cost savings for both patients and insurance providers.

  • Added Revenue Stream

CCM offers a way to enhance your practice’s income without the need for expanding facilities or significantly increasing overhead costs

Join Us in Building Healthier Communities!

Take the first step towards shaping a healthier future for your community. Partner with us to implement innovative population health solutions that drive positive change. Together, we can improve outcomes, promote wellness, and make a lasting impact on patient care.

What Our Customers Say About Us

We chose Harris CareTracker for our office because of its cost-effectiveness and since changing to them, we have seen a significant increase in our monthly savings. The standout feature has been the excellent customer support and training!

Tara Warnock

Tara Warnock

Billing Specialist | Naples Vascular Specialists

Harris CareTracker has transformed my ability to manage operations effectively across the Front Office, Billing, and Clinical workflows. Thanks to the detailed personalized training and ongoing support from the CareTracker team, I now navigate the system confidently and efficiently, greatly enhancing our practice’s capabilities.

Mary Beth O'Brien

Mary Beth O'Brien

Office Manager | Integrated Dermatology Group

It’s really easy to use Harris CareTracker Practice Management. Very easy to learn.

Lauren O'Brien

Lauren O'Brien

Billing Manager | New England OB/GYN

Get started Today​

Explore our population health solutions and embark on a path towards better outcomes and improved wellness for all. Contact us now to initiate your partnership with us and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.